Potjie is the South African camp oven – a heavy cast iron pot, but with legs.
Serves 4 to 6
2 x Onions – chopped
1 tblspn butter (approx)
1kg neck of lamb – cut into cubes
2 tblspns oil
4 rashers bacon - chopped
Lamb stock – enough to cover
White wine – good slurp
2 large carrots
4 large potatoes
2 large zucchinis
75gm dried apricots
12 button mushrooms
Salt, pepper to taste
100 ml cream
Cornflour/water (ratio of 1:1)
Place the chopped onion into a saucepan with a little water (not enough to cover), bring to the boil and cook until all the water has boiled away, stirring occasionally. Add butter and continue to cook and stir until the onions are browned.
In the camp oven, brown the meat in oil. Remove and drain.
Add the bacon to the camp oven and brown.
Add the cooked, browned onions. Stir to combine.
Return the lamb, along with a good slurp of white wine and enough lamb stock to just cover. Bring to the boil, the put on the lid and cook slowly over a gentle heat for 1 hour.
Add chopped vegetables and apricots and season to taste.
When the vegetables and meat are cooked, thicken the liquid with a mix of cornflour and water and add 100 ml of cream.
Serve with rice or mashed potatoes.
Hint: Keith has always prepared onions as detailed above, the same as his mother. If you don’t want to take the time to cook the onions as written, then simply brown them in a little oil until softened.
Quantities given for the vegetables are just a guide – you can use more or less, depending on your preference.
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